SIP Certified® Standards 2019

SIP Standards | Onsite Questions | 2019

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1 — Conservation and Enhancement of Biological Diversity
  • Chapter 2 — Vineyard Acquisition, Establishment and Management
  • Chapter 3 — Winery Facility Establishment and Management
  • Chapter 4 — Vineyard Soil Conservation and Surface Water Quality
  • Chapter 5 — Water Conservation and Quality
  • Chapter 6 — Energy Conservation and Efficiency
  • Chapter 7 — Pollution and Waste
  • Chapter 8 — Purchasing, Recycling, and Waste Reduction
  • Chapter 9 — Pest Management

1 — Conservation and Enhancement of Biological Diversity

1.1 Conservation and Enhancement of Biological Diversity



You must have and update at least every five years a conservation plan based on the type(s) of habitat affected by new vineyard development and/or ongoing vineyard operations. A Natural Resource Conservation Service Conservation Plan or equivalent qualifies.

Equivalent plans will address the following sections. Download template.

  • Short and long term
  • Natural resource objectives
  • Production and economic objectives
  • Resource inventory and resource concerns
  • Soil
  • Erosion potential and management plan
  • Streams and/or waterbodies
  • Air quality
  • Cover crops, filter strips, and vegetated buffers
  • Snag and cavity trees
  • Noxious or invasive plants
  • Hedgerows and windbreak shelter trees
  • Forest/woodland areas
  • Wetland areas
  • Wildlife areas
  • Animals, fish and wildlife
  • Rare or endangered plant and animal species
  • Prioritized resource concerns and projects

Onsite Inspection Required


Attach conservation plan including identification of habitat areas on your ranch map and document below what sensitive species, if any, exist in your area.

When was the plan last completed?


Farming practices must allow for botanical diversity in and/or around the vineyard.

Onsite Inspection Required

List species by habitat type(s) you are fostering or establishing on your property and include habitat type(s) on your ranch map.

Management Enhancements


What percent of the property is maintained as non-vineyard habitat (i.e. native and naturalized grasses, flowering plants, shrubs and trees in corners, edges and corridors)?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] >30% (6 pts.)

[ ] 20-29% (4 pts.)

[ ] 10-19% (2 pts.)

[ ] <10% (0 pts.)

Attach ranch map marked with percent of property maintained in non-vineyard habitat.


Do you alternately mow or till row middles for maximum biodiversity during the season?

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

If yes, attach mowing and/or tillage records and photo documentation of practices.

[ ] Yes (5 pts.) [ ] No [ ] Not Applicable

Not Applicable only if vineyard is located in a frost sensitive area. Provide written statement.


Are insectary rows maintained every 5 – 10 rows?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (5 pts.) [ ] No

If yes, indicate Insectary plantings on ranch map. Provide documentation of insectary row species composition.


Do you have bat boxes as a means of insect pest control and/or raptor perches or owl boxes as a means of vertebrate pest control?

D+O — Req'd for Documentation+Onsite renewals

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (5 pts.) [ ] No

Provide photo documentation of bat box, owl box, and/or raptor perch.


Does the site take advantage of natural landscape features (e.g. shade, hillsides, orientation, etc.)?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (5 pts.) [ ] No

Describe how site takes advantage of natural landscape and attach site map or topography plan.

2 — Vineyard Acquisition, Establishment and Management

2.3 Spacing, Orientation, and Trellis Selection


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


Did you choose spacing based on soil type, rootstock, terrain, variety, and clone?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No



Was your trellis and training system designed to optimize canopy microclimate, sunlight exposure, and minimize disease and insect pressure?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Provide a written description of your trellis system(s) and how it addresses these issues.

2.4 Canopy Management


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


Is your canopy microclimate monitored?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes – Point Quadrant Method – Number of leaf layers, % gaps, % interior leaves, and % interior clusters (2 pts.)

[ ] Yes – Datalogger – air temperature and/or humidity (relative to outside the canopy) (2 pts.)

[ ] Yes – Light bar/Ceptometer – % light penetration or degree of shading (2 pts.)

[ ] Yes – Other (2 pts.)

[ ] No

Describe monitoring.

2.6 Fertilization


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


If your vineyard has a nitrogen requirement, as determined by a soil or tissue test, does your cover crop include a nitrogen-fixer (clovers, vetches, legumes, etc.)?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (3 pts.) [ ] No

[ ] Not Applicable

Provide a written description of nitrogen fixing cover crop and management practices.

If not applicable, provide written explanation.

3 — Winery Facility Establishment and Management

3.1 Facility Planning and Construction



Your ventilation system(s) must be designed to handle all chemicals and gasses used in production.

Onsite Inspection Required


Describe the ventilation system.

Management Enhancements


Did you use a pre-existing structure when developing the winery? Not Applicable if you did not have a pre-existing structure.

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

[ ] Not Applicable

Describe renovations made to the pre-existing structure.


Is your building located to take advantage of solar orientation for daylighting, passive heating and/or cooling, etc.?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (3 pts.) [ ] Not Applicable [ ] No

Describe how passive solar was incorporated into the building design and attach an architectural floor plan or details showing how passive solar elements were constructed.

If Not applicable, explain.


Does the building have glazing, high U-value, or other high efficiency windows installed and/or solar shading?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

[ ] Not applicable only if facility was constructed prior to ownership and windows have not been retrofitted since purchase.

List or show on facility map where windows are installed and U-value rating.


Does the winery have sloped/free draining floors? Not applicable only if facility was constructed prior to ownership. Not applicable only if facility was constructed prior to ownership.

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No [ ] Not Applicable

Describe percent slope and drain location(s).


Is gravity flow incorporated into your production areas?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.)

Describe the use of gravity flow and show on attached facility map.

[ ] No

Do you have subsurface or naturally cooled rooms?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Outline the square footage of applicable rooms on a facility map.


Is your facility equipped with temperature control devices?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.)

Describe devices and locations.

[ ] No

Are work areas designed to take advantage of areas with natural daylight?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.)

Attach daylight analysis or architectural floor plan and highlight natural light sources.

[ ] No

3.2 Alternative, Recycled, and Local Materials


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


Did you use certified sustainable or recycled materials during construction/remodel?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (3 pts.) [ ] No

If yes, describe materials used.


Did you use locally produced/harvested materials (within 100 mile radius) during construction/remodel?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (3 pts.) [ ] No

If yes, describe materials used.

4 — Vineyard Soil Conservation and Surface Water Quality

4.1 Post-Plant/Purchase


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


Do you use tractors and/or vineyard equipment that minimize soil compaction, such as high floatation tires, track-layers, or over the row equipment?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Greater than or equal to 75% of total equipment (2 pts.)

[ ] Between 25% and 75% of total equipment (1 pts.)

[ ] Less than 25% of total equipment

If yes, list equipment.


Do you use GIS/GPS equipped pesticide/fertilizer application systems that enable variable rate chemical application and/or do you use target-sensing pesticide application equipment that reduce pesticide and fertilizer use while preserving efficacy?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

If yes, describe equipment and how it relates to reduced pesticide and fertilizer use and increased efficacy.


Are pesticide storage facilities designed for containment of spills?

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

If yes, attach photo documentation.

Provide written description of spill containment design.


Do you store liquid materials separately from dry materials, and are dry materials elevated above the spill zone?

D+O — Req'd for Documentation+Onsite renewals

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

If yes, provide photo documentation.


Is mixing and loading performed on sites with low runoff hazard?

D+O — Req'd for Documentation+Onsite renewals

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

If yes, explain.


Do your diesel and gas tanks have secondary containment?

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No [ ] Not Applicable

If yes, indicate containment basins on the ranch map. Provide photo documentation.

4.2 Erosion Control and Prevention of Offsite Movement



A winter cover crop (resident or planted) must be maintained.

D — Req'd for Documentation renewals

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required


Provide close-up photo and large scale photo from a block level.

Describe winter cover cropping practices.

When were the photos last taken?


You must have a minimum of two management practices in place to minimize the offsite movement of sediment and organic soil amendments and to minimize non-point source pollution of surface waters.

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

Y N [ ] Cover crop (resident or planted)
[ ] Filter Strip (resident or planted)
[ ] Mulching
[ ] Hay bales/straw
[ ] Jute netting
[ ] Silt pond
[ ] Waddles
[ ] Vegetated Ditches
[ ] Other

Provide photo documentation for each selected.

If you selected other, describe.


You must have vegetated perimeter buffers of no less than 25 feet from the setback of perennial streams and/or wetland areas.

Onsite Inspection Required


Indicate perimeter buffers on ranch map. Not Applicable only if there are no perennial streams and wetland areas on the property.

Provide written statement.

Management Enhancements


Do you utilize water runoff diversions?

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Engineer recommended runoff diversions (3 pts.)

[ ] Researched and implemented without technical assistance (1 pts.)

[ ] No [ ] Not Applicable

Provide photo documentation of runoff diversions and indicate their location(s) on your ranch map.

If you are involved with an engineered project, attach brief project description in place of photo documentation.

If not applicable, provide written explanation.


Are devices in place to prevent runoff and/or soil movement to public roads?

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (3 pts.) [ ] No [ ] Not Applicable

Provide photo documentation of devices. Indicate placement on the ranch map.

Not Applicable only if vineyard does not border any public roads. Provide statement.


If vegetation is excluded below the vines during winter, the vegetative free area is:

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] < 30" (4 pts.)

[ ] 30 - 48" (2 pts.)

[ ] > 48"

If yes, provide photo documentation with measuring tape.

5 — Water Conservation and Quality

5.1 Vineyard Water Quality and Analysis



You must have a backflow prevention device installed on your well(s) or water source(s).

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required


Provide photo documentation.


Well heads must be protected from chemical contamination. (DPR Wellhead Protection Requirements)

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required


Provide photo documentation.

Describe well head protection from chemical contamination.

5.2 Vineyard Water Use Efficiency



You must use a low-volume irrigation system (drip or micro-sprinkler) for irrigating during the growing season.

Onsite Inspection Required


Provide a written statement of your low-volume irrigation system including emitter spacing, tube gauge and emitter flow rate.

5.3 Vineyard Irrigation Scheduling


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


Are there flow meters on all the wells or other pumps to monitor water usage over the season and are logs kept?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (4 pts.) [ ] No

Provide written description of flow meter locations.

5.4 Winery Water Conservation


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


Is water conservation information posted in the language understood by your worker(s)?

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Attach photo of postings.


Do you have high-efficiency/low-flow toilets (e.g. less than 1.6 gallons per flush) and low-flow aerators installed on sink faucets and/or showerheads?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No


5.9 Winery and Lab Water Conservation


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


Is an Energy-Star dishwasher in use for glassware?

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Attach photo.

5.10 Winery and Lab Sanitization



You must pre-clean crush operations, equipment and floors using brushes, push brooms and/or squeegees in a timely fashion to prevent grape material from drying on equipment surfaces before wash-down.

D — Req'd for Documentation renewals

Onsite Inspection Required


Describe or attach pre-cleaning procedure.

5.11 Winery Landscaping



You must do at least three of the following to prevent erosion on the grounds.

Onsite Inspection Required

Y N [ ] Plant appropriate plant materials to slow or prevent water runoff
[ ] Use mulches, ground covers, or other semi-permeable materials to cover and retain soil
[ ] Replant bare soil as necessary
[ ] Use sand bags and fiber rolls when necessary to keep water from gaining speed, and to hold water on property
[ ] Use diversion ditches when necessary to keep water from gaining speed, and to hold water on property

Check all that apply and describe measures taken.

Management Enhancements


Are drought-tolerant or native plant species used for at least 75% of the landscaping?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Describe plants.


Is mulch applied regularly?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

List materials applied and application schedule.

6 — Energy Conservation and Efficiency

6.1 Energy Use


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


Are light duty jobs done with All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) instead of tractors or trucks?

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Provide photo documentation of ATVs and a list of practices which utilize ATVs.


Do you use grazing animals within your vineyard or buffer zones to reduce mechanical workload?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Describe practices.


Do you have an interval meter such as a PG&E Smart Meter installed for energy monitoring?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

List name and title of person responsible for reviewing monitoring results.


Does office equipment have an Energy Star or similar rating?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (1 pts.) [ ] No

[ ] 76-100%

[ ] 51-75%

[ ] 26-50%

[ ] 1%-25%

Select appropriate box for the percentage of equipment with Energy Star or similar rating..


Is energy conservation and efficiency information posted and/or made available in the language understood by your worker(s)?

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (1 pts.) [ ] No

Attach photo.

6.2 Refrigeration



The chiller system must be designed and sized appropriately for your winery.

Onsite Inspection Required


Describe how the chiller system was selected.

Management Enhancements


Does your refrigeration system incorporate any of the following efficiency measures:

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

[ ] Parallel systems

[ ] Close approach heat exchangers

[ ] Groundwater cooling

[ ] Head pressure control

[ ] Variable frequency drives

[ ] Condenser flow control

[ ] Condenser temperature regulation

6.3 Tanks and Lines



All hot water pipes and glycol transfer lines must be insulated with at least one inch thick insulation.

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required


Attach photo(s).


At least 85% of outside, jacketed fermenters must be insulated. Not applicable only if you do not have jacketed fermenters outside.

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required


Attach photo and list percent of outside insulated fermenters by volume, describe jacketing material, and R-value of insulation.

Management Enhancements


What percentage of all outside tanks are insulated?

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] 76-100% (4 pts.)

[ ] 51-75% (3 pts.)

[ ] 26-50% (2 pts.)

[ ] 0-25%

Attach photo and describe.

[ ] Not applicable if there are no outside tanks.


Do you use any of the following energy efficient technologies?

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (1 pts.) [ ] No

[ ] Stacked tanks

[ ] Pre insulated pipe with hard outer shell

Attach photo(s).


Do you research and trial new technologies that improve energy efficiency of cooling and heating tanks?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Explain research or trials.

6.4 Pumps, Motors, Drives, Air Compressors, and Dryers



Air compressors must be sized correctly and provide your winery with efficient and optimal performance.

Onsite Inspection Required


List air compressor associated with winery operations and describe how you determine appropriate sizing for your needs.

Management Enhancements


Do you use a variable speed drives to manage energy use efficiency?

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Attach photo and specify model, serial number, and location of variable speed drive.

6.5 HVAC



You must reduce heating and cooling loads by utilizing at least four of the following:

Onsite Inspection Required

Y N [ ] Temperature controlled cellars
[ ] Louvered ventilation panels
[ ] Timed automatic door openers
[ ] Insulated doors/roll-up doors
[ ] Strip doors/high-speed roll-up doors
[ ] Weather stripping

Management Enhancements


Are unused or seasonally-used areas closed and secured, have utilities turned off and/or equipment unplugged when not in use?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Describe procedure.

6.6 Lighting


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


Is natural lighting used where available?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No



Are outside production lights shielded to direct light onto task areas and away from neighbors?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No



Is outdoor lighting attached to photocells so that they only run during darkness?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Describe and show on facility map.

6.7 Thermostats



All temperature controlled rooms, including office and hospitality spaces, must have functioning thermostats that are programmed to conserve energy.

Onsite Inspection Required


Attach procedure for room thermostats.

Management Enhancements


Do you have on-demand hot water heater(s) at point of use locations?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Describe location(s) and use.

6.8 Alternative Energy


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


Do you use renewal energy sources including solar, wind, or other alternative power for a portion of your vineyard energy needs?

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (5 pts.) [ ] No

Provide documentation of alternative energy use (photo documentation is sufficient).


Do you have alternative energy aerators installed for wastewater processing?

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Attach photo.


Do you have a solar photovoltaic or passive solar water heater/pre-heater?

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (1 pts.) [ ] No

Attach photo.


Do you have electric vehicle charging stations?

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Attach photo.

7 — Pollution and Waste

7.1 Vineyard Air Quality



You must have speed limit signs posted on main vineyard access roads to reduce dust.

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

Y N na

Indicate speed limit signs on ranch map or attach photo.

Management Enhancements


Have you switched or added electric, hybrid or ultra-low emission vehicles to your fleet?

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Greater than 50% of fleet (3 pts.)

[ ] More than one vehicle, but less than 50% of fleet (2 pts.)

[ ] One vehicle (1 pts.)

[ ] No

Provide photo documentation of electric, hybrid or ultra low emission vehicle(s).


What percentage of your stationary power source equipment is electric?

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Greater than 70% (3 pts.)

[ ] Between 30 – 70% (2 pts.)

[ ] Less than 30%, but at least 1% (1 pts.)

[ ] None

Provide documentation of your stationary power sources and whether or not they are electric.


Are your spray operators and foreman equipped with wind speed measurement devices?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

List wind speed measurement device(s):

7.2 Pollution


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


Do you use electric forklifts indoors?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

List equipment.


Do you have a safe, clean area for unused/retired equipment? This area should protect possible pollutants from leaching into air, ground, and landscape.

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Attach photo or show on map and explain pollution prevention methods.

7.3 Hazardous Material Management



You must store hazardous materials in a safe, secure location and use oldest materials first.

Onsite Inspection Required


Indicate storage location on a facilities map.


All lubricants and wine production contact surfaces must be food grade.

Onsite Inspection Required


List products used.

7.4 Winery Solid Waste Management


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


Are your dumpsters covered by lids or an overhang/roof?

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Attach photo.


 Are your dumpsters on a concrete pad?

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Attach photo.


Do you have signs in a language understood by the employee(s) posted on dumpsters indicating which material are allowed/restricted?

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Attach photo.


Do you use low-waste filtration technology such as cross-flow filtration?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (3 pts.) [ ] No

Name low-waste filtration system.

7.5 Winery Cleaning and Sanitizing Agents



Cleaning chemicals must be clearly marked and stored in a clean, dry location in appropriate secondary containment and stored separately from wine addition chemicals.

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required


Attach photos of chemical containers and show locations on facility map.

Management Enhancements


Are low risk/low toxicity cleaning and sanitizing alternatives trialed or in use in the winery?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Describe and list products.


Are low toxicity cleaning products chosen for janitorial use?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

List products.

7.6 Lab Chemicals



You must have a program in place listing all reagents and chemicals used in the lab and their proper disposal method as per MSDS/SDS.

Onsite Inspection Required


Attach list and disposal procedure.


All laboratory chemicals must be labeled and stored in appropriate, marked areas. Flammables, acids and bases must be stored separately.

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required


Attach photos of laboratory chemical storage areas.

8 — Purchasing, Recycling, and Waste Reduction

8.1 Recycling


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


Do you train your workers and post signs on proper waste disposal in the language understood by your employee(s) at trash and recycling areas?

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Attach training records and/or photo(s).

8.2 Waste Reduction


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


Is compostable food waste and tableware items (e.g. cups, plates, bowls, utensils) collected separately from trash and composted?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No



Are at least 75% of break room cups, plates, and utensils washable?

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No


8.3 Packaging and Materials


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


Do you use lightweight glass (less than 440 grams) to cut down on weight of freight and carbon footprint?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] 75 - 100% of production (3 pts.)

[ ] 50 - 75% of production (2 pts.)

[ ] 25 - 50% of production (1 pts.)

[ ] 0 - 25% of production

9 — Pest Management

9.5 Weed Management


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


Is the width of the weed free swath under the vine throughout the growing season:

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] < 30” (3 pts.)

[ ] 30 – 48” (2 pts.)

[ ] > 48”

[ ] No

Provide photo documentation of close-up with swath measurement shown and large scale photo from a block level during the growing season.

9.7 Winery Pest Management


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


Do you store winery waste, byproducts, and wood pallets offsite or away from the winery buildings in order to deter pests?

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Describe storage location and show on map.


Do you store all barrels inside?

Photo(s) Required

Onsite Inspection Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Attach photo or show on map.