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If you need to access an existing Property, please email whitney@vineyardteam.org.
Get Started
Click Sign Up to certify your vineyard, winery, or wine, or to try the program for free as a Self-Assessment.
Contact whitney@vineyardteam.org with questions.
SIP Certified®
Click Sign Up to certify your vineyard, winery, or wine, or to try the program for free as a Self-Assessment.
Sustainability in Practice (SIP) Certified helps farmers and winemakers demonstrate their dedication to preserving and protecting natural and human resources.
SIP Certified is a rigorous sustainable vineyard, winery, and wine certification with strict, non-negotiable requirements. The program is committed to standards based on science and expert input, transparency, and absence of conflict of interest.
All SIP Certified vineyard, winery, and wine applications are third-party verified for adherence to the program’s Standards.
Vineyard & Winery
Applicants can choose to certify their vineyard or winery or both by implementing the rules covered in the Standards.
Certification runs on an annual cycle from December 1 through November 30.
Wines made with at least 85% SIP Certified fruit (estate or purchased) can be certified at any time.
For existing SIP Certified members, please submit wine applications through your existing Property.