SIP Certified® Standards 2023

SIP Standards | Photo Questions | 2023

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1 — Conservation and Enhancement of Biological Diversity
  • Chapter 2 — Vineyard Acquisition, Establishment and Management
  • Chapter 4 — Vineyard Soil Conservation and Surface Water Quality
  • Chapter 5 — Water Conservation and Quality
  • Chapter 6 — Energy Conservation and Efficiency
  • Chapter 7 — Pollution and Waste
  • Chapter 8 — Purchasing, Recycling, and Waste Reduction
  • Chapter 9 — Pest Management

1 — Conservation and Enhancement of Biological Diversity

1.1 Conservation and Enhancement of Biological Diversity


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


Does your vineyard allow movement of native vertebrates?

Photo(s) Required

[ ] Check all that apply. (4 pts.)

[ ] Permeable fencing (2 pts.)

[ ] Wildlife corridor (2 pts.)

[ ] No

If yes, attach photo and/or describe.


Do you have bat boxes as a means of insect pest control and/or raptor perches or owl boxes as a means of vertebrate pest control?

D+O — Req'd for Documentation+Onsite renewals

Photo(s) Required

[ ] Yes (5 pts.) [ ] No

Provide photo documentation of bat box, owl box, and/or raptor perch.

2 — Vineyard Acquisition, Establishment and Management

2.1 Pre-Plant/Purchase


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


Did you utilize aerial photographs (either infrared or standard film) or other GPS technologies in the development and mapping of your vineyard site?

Photo(s) Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No [ ] Not Applicable

If yes, attach photographs or other mapping tool.

If not applicable, explain.

2.4 Canopy Management


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


If needed, are you removing leaves and/or laterals in the fruit zone to reduce disease and pests or improve wine quality? If not, explain why leaf pulling is not necessary.

Photo(s) Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

[ ] Not Applicable

Provide leaf and/or laterals removal records and before and after photo documentation.

If not applicable, provide written explanation.

4 — Vineyard Soil Conservation and Surface Water Quality

4.1 Post-Plant/Purchase


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


Are pesticide storage facilities designed for containment of spills?

Photo(s) Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

If yes, attach photo documentation.

Provide written description of spill containment design.


Do you store liquid materials separately from dry materials, and are dry materials elevated above the spill zone?

D+O — Req'd for Documentation+Onsite renewals

Photo(s) Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

If yes, provide photo documentation.


Do your diesel and gas tanks have secondary containment?

Photo(s) Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No [ ] Not Applicable

If yes, indicate containment basins on the ranch map. Provide photo documentation.

4.2 Erosion Control and Prevention of Offsite Movement



A winter cover crop (resident or planted) must be maintained.

D — Req'd for Documentation renewals

Photo(s) Required

Provide close-up photo and large scale photo from a block level.

Describe winter cover cropping practices.

When were the photos last taken?


You must have a minimum of two management practices in place to minimize the offsite movement of sediment and organic soil amendments and to minimize non-point source pollution of surface waters.

Photo(s) Required

[ ] Cover crop (resident or planted)
[ ] Filter Strip (resident or planted)
[ ] Mulching
[ ] Hay bales/straw
[ ] Jute netting
[ ] Silt pond
[ ] Waddles
[ ] Vegetated Ditches
[ ] Other

Provide photo documentation for each selected.

If you selected other, describe.

Management Enhancements


Do you utilize water runoff diversions?

Photo(s) Required

[ ] Engineer recommended runoff diversions (3 pts.)

[ ] Researched and implemented without technical assistance (1 pts.)

[ ] No [ ] Not Applicable

Provide photo documentation of runoff diversions and indicate their location(s) on your ranch map.

If you are involved with an engineered project, attach brief project description in place of photo documentation.

If not applicable, provide written explanation.


Are devices in place to prevent runoff and/or soil movement to public roads?

Photo(s) Required

[ ] Yes (3 pts.) [ ] No [ ] Not Applicable

Provide photo documentation of devices. Indicate placement on the ranch map.

Not Applicable only if vineyard does not border any public roads. Provide statement.


If vegetation is excluded below the vines throughout the year, the vegetative-free area is:

Photo(s) Required

[ ] < 30" (4 pts.)

[ ] 30 - 48" (2 pts.)

[ ] > 48"

If yes, provide photo documentation with measuring tape.

5 — Water Conservation and Quality

5.1 Vineyard Water Quality and Analysis



You must have a backflow prevention device installed on your well(s) or water source(s).

Photo(s) Required

Provide photo documentation.


Well heads must be protected from chemical contamination. (See DPR Wellhead Protection Requirements at

Photo(s) Required

Provide photo documentation.

Describe well head protection from chemical contamination.

5.4 Winery Water Conservation


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


Is water conservation information posted in the language understood by your worker(s)?

Photo(s) Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Attach photo of postings.

5.8 Winery Storm Water


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


Do you separate storm and process water drains?

Photo(s) Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Attach photo.

5.9 Winery and Lab Water Conservation



Water for cleaning must be applied using a high-pressure/low-volume nozzle fitted with a shut-off valve.

Photo(s) Required

Attach photo.

5.11 Winery Landscaping


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


Are moisture sensors and/or rain shut-off devices installed to override automatic sensors?

Photo(s) Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Attach photo.

6 — Energy Conservation and Efficiency

6.1 Energy Use


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


Are light duty jobs done with All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) instead of tractors or trucks?

Photo(s) Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Provide photo documentation of ATVs and a list of practices which utilize ATVs.


Is energy conservation and efficiency information posted and/or made available in the language understood by your worker(s)?

Photo(s) Required

[ ] Yes (1 pts.) [ ] No

Attach photo.

6.3 Tanks and Lines



All hot water pipes and glycol transfer lines must be insulated.

Photo(s) Required

Attach photo(s).


At least 85% of outside, jacketed fermenters must be insulated. Not applicable only if you do not have jacketed fermenters outside.

Photo(s) Required

Attach photo and list percent of outside insulated fermenters by volume, describe jacketing material, and R-value of insulation.

Management Enhancements


What percentage of all outside tanks are insulated?

Photo(s) Required

[ ] 76-100% (4 pts.)

[ ] 51-75% (3 pts.)

[ ] 26-50% (2 pts.)

[ ] 0-25%

Attach photo and describe.

[ ] Not applicable if there are no outside tanks.

6.4 Pumps, Motors, Drives, Air Compressors, and Dryers


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


Do you use a variable speed drives to manage energy use efficiency?

Photo(s) Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Attach photo and specify model, serial number, and location of variable speed drive.

6.8 Alternative Energy


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


Do you use renewable energy sources including solar, wind, or other alternative power for a portion of your energy needs?

Photo(s) Required

[ ] Yes (5 pts.) [ ] No

Provide documentation of alternative energy use (photo documentation is sufficient).


Do you have a solar photovoltaic or passive solar water heater/pre-heater?

Photo(s) Required

[ ] Yes (1 pts.) [ ] No

Attach photo.


Do you have electric vehicle charging stations?

Photo(s) Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Attach photo.

7 — Pollution and Waste

7.1 Vineyard Air Quality



You must have speed limit signs posted on main vineyard access roads to reduce dust.

Photo(s) Required

Indicate speed limit signs on ranch map or attach photo.

Management Enhancements


Have you switched or added electric, hybrid or ultra-low emission vehicles to your fleet?

Photo(s) Required

[ ] Greater than 50% of fleet (3 pts.)

[ ] More than one vehicle, but less than 50% of fleet (2 pts.)

[ ] One vehicle (1 pts.)

[ ] No

Provide photo documentation of electric, hybrid or ultra low emission vehicle(s).


What percentage of your stationary power source equipment is electric?

Photo(s) Required

[ ] Greater than 70% (3 pts.)

[ ] Between 30 – 70% (2 pts.)

[ ] Less than 30%, but at least 1% (1 pts.)

[ ] None

Provide documentation of your stationary power sources and whether or not they are electric.

7.2 Pollution



You must have annual trainings and/or signs posted in the language understood by your worker(s) explaining practices to prevent litter, debris, soil, and pollution from reaching storm drains and streams.

D — Req'd for Documentation renewals

Photo(s) Required

Attach photo of signs and/or training logs.

Management Enhancements


Do you have a safe, clean area for unused/retired equipment? This area should protect possible pollutants from leaching into air, ground, and landscape.

Photo(s) Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Attach photo or show on map and explain pollution prevention methods.

7.4 Winery Solid Waste Management


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


Are your dumpsters covered by lids or an overhang/roof?

Photo(s) Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Attach photo.


 Are your dumpsters on a concrete pad?

Photo(s) Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Attach photo.


Do you have signs in a language understood by the employee(s) posted on dumpsters indicating which material are allowed/restricted?

Photo(s) Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Attach photo.

7.5 Winery Cleaning and Sanitizing Agents



Cleaning chemicals must be clearly marked and stored in a clean, dry location in appropriate secondary containment and stored separately from wine addition chemicals.

Photo(s) Required

Attach photos of chemical containers and show locations on facility map.

7.6 Lab Chemicals



All laboratory chemicals must be labeled and stored in appropriate, marked areas. Flammables, acids and bases must be stored separately.

Photo(s) Required

Attach photos of laboratory chemical storage areas.

8 — Purchasing, Recycling, and Waste Reduction

8.1 Recycling


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


Do you train your workers and post signs on proper waste disposal in the language understood by your employee(s) at trash and recycling areas?

Photo(s) Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Attach training records and/or photo(s).

9 — Pest Management

9.7 Winery Pest Management


(No requirements in this section.)

Management Enhancements


Do you store all barrels inside?

Photo(s) Required

[ ] Yes (2 pts.) [ ] No

Attach photo or show on map.